Monday, October 13, 2008

Passing the torch

I've always wanted my children to be runners, but I wasn't quite ready to have my 13 years old son beat me in a 5K Race! I guess I should be happy that he's found something he's very good at but I admit I'm a bit competitive and he'll have to earn the title of "best in the family" a few more times before I go quietly into the night.

Running Through the Pain

Unfortunately success in running is a lot about running in pain. The faster you go the more pain you'll endure. But also the better shape you're in the less pain you'll have. Roger Banister once said, "The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win." I really think this is true. When competing, keep saying "can I go a little faster, can I endure a little more".

Monday, September 15, 2008

Running Loops

I found the perfect running loop a couple of years ago. It is a 1.25 mile loop around an old field. I throw down a water bottle and run around the loop for as much as 2 hours. I have a drink every couple of laps. This works for me because I can compare each loop to my "standard" time. Some people think this would be boring, but I love it.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Good running shoes are expensive so I get the most out of my shoes. Typically as a pair starts to wear out, I pick up a new pair for longs runs and save my worn out or "B" pair shorter runs or runs where they'll get muddy. Eventually all old running shoes get used for mowing the lawn in.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Slow Down

Running hard every day is not always the best training plan. We need to avoid burnout. Go ahead and take a day or a week or even a month and slow down. Run a minute or two per mile slower than you normally run. It will allow your body to rejuvenate and feel better.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Salt Pills

About five years ago I began to fully realize the value of salt pills. It take E-caps by Succeed. Typically I take one pill every 45 minutes, more if it is hot. I have found that I don't cramp as quickly and that I don't run out of energy as quickly.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Check the weather

Every Sunday I take a look at the week's weather forecast and plan my running week. In the winter, I plan my hard workouts when it might be a bit warmer and I do the opposite in the summer, looking for a cooler morning run. By doing this I not only commit myself to the week's training but find the best day's to work with the weather.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My MP3 Player

Since I'm too cheap to buy a nice Ipod, I have a $20 MP3 player I bought on ebay. Every day I load it with music and podcasts and head out the door. I also listen to a lot audio-books as I run. It motivates me to get out the door.

Monday, June 9, 2008

A workout every day and a half

I have found that a day and a half between workouts is much better than running every day for me. For example if I run 8 hard miles on Sunday morning it would be very hard for me to wake up on Monday morning and run another 6 miles. I would be too sore and tired. I can however run well by Monday evening. Then following the same plan, my next workout could be Wednesday morning. I'm getting a bit older and can't do a tough workout every day any more and this method seems to work very well for me.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Goal Setting

Like everyone else I need something to motivate me. For me the best thing is a future race. I register early and start planning for the race. I set distance and times goals for each weekly long run. I study the race web site and visit the course in advance. It is what gets me out the door on a cold Wyoming morning.